Clipper News

Check out our Alumni Donor "Honor Roll"!

Check out our Alumni Donor List for the 2018 fiscal year!
Thank you to everyone who made a donation, large or small - 
your generosity allows Xaverian to continue to provide our Clippers with opportunities and offerings that allow them to succeed at their fullest potential! 

Pasquale Accardo '61
James Barling '61
Francis Browne '61
Charles Carozza '61
Richard Cavello '61
Brother Charles Cully, CFX '61
William Daleus '61
James Devlin '61
Joseph DiMartino '61
James Faulkner '61
George Fischer '61
Leonard Florio '61
Robert Giasi '61
Charles Gildea '61
Frank Guerrasio '61
Ronald Gugnoni '61
Ronald Halleran '61
R. Emmett Jones '61
George Kelly '61
William Lavin '61
Martin Lawler '61
William Madden '61
Nicholas McCauley '61
Francis McKee '61
Anthony Miserandino '61
Thomas Mulvey '61
Vincent Murphy '61
Thomas O'Donnell '61
Francis Pascuzzi '61
Daniel Patrissy '61
Anthony Piazza '61
Alfred Ronaldson '61
Richard Sciria '61
Graham Seidel '61
Peter Simonelli '61
Theodore Adams '62
Dennis Amato '62
Robert Andresen '62
Gerald Carney '62
Robert Corsano '62
Thomas D'Albro '62
Harold Diamond '62
Francis Hubbard '62
Robert MacDonald '62
Stephen McAteer '62
Daniel Murray '62
Charles Piazza '62
Jerome Rubino '62
Joseph Russ '62
Thomas Ruta '62
John Ryan '62
Joseph Savarese '62
George Siracuse '62
Cyril Smith '62
Thomas Sten '62
Kevin Sullivan '62
Anthony Tighe '62
Joseph Vetrano '62
Albert Benvenuto '63
William Carey '63
Robert Costa '63
Brother Brian Davis, CFX '63
Henry Feaster '63
Ralph Gazzillo '63
Vincent Grippa '63
Raffael Guidone '63
Vincent Ianuale '63
Edward Jacoby '63
Richard Jaeger '63
Frederick John '63
Guy LaVignera '63
Vincent Maligno '63
John Micale '63
John Murphy '63
Adam Peck '63
David Rounds '63
Frederick Shaver '63
John Sibley '63
Thomas Smith '63
John Tully '63
William Ballance '64
Thomas Bellina '64
Donald Bouchoux '64
Richard Callaghan '64
Robert Coluzzi '64
Michael Darby '64
Robert Emmons '64
Robert Foppiano '64
Robert Gaughan '64
Robert Giarraffa '64
Robert Golden '64
William Griffiths '64
Charles Hadlock '64
James Hearn '64
Sigfried Heiles '64
Richard Kassar '64
James Lucey '64
Roderick MacKenzie '64
Peter Mancino '64
Edward McDonald '64
William McNamara '64
Michael Mennella '64
Robert O'Sullivan '64
Vincent Saccente '64
Nicholas Santangelo '64
Stephen Sass '64
Michael Scagnelli '64
Richard Smith '64
William Sollecito '64
Charles Spero '64
Larry Sternfeld '64
John Sullivan '64
Thomas Alberto '65
Robert Bruno '65
John Byrne '65
Matthew Cody '65
George Duryea '65
George Ellard '65
Pascal Frisina '65
Joseph Gallagher '65
William Genco '65
Roy Gerardi '65
James Gorra '65
Paul Graf '65
Dennis Ischia '65
Richard Jovino '65
Bruce Keeler '65
Thomas Minchin '65
John Noonan '65
Dominick Ricci '65
William Russo '65
James Scaglione '65
Thomas Scorza '65
Richard Sena '65
Michael Signorile '65
Nicholas Siragusa '65
Ralph Torrillo '65
Vincent Tuohy '65
Frank Anthony '66
Richard Beyer '66
John Conforti '66
Louis DeNino '66
Frank Dipaolo '66
Santo Fiasconaro '66
Andrew Fiore '66
John Gardella '66
Neil Hall '66
Walter Kain '66
Philip Lian '66
Ronald Longhitano '66
John Neylan '66
Frank Nigro '66
Victor Tuohy '66
Brian Ahlstrom '67
John BianRosa '67
John Bruzzi '67
George Coughlin '67
Anthony DeFina '67
James Dwyer '67
Joseph Ludovico '67
Charles Magatti '67
Joseph Nardi '67
Joseph Amato '68
John Antoniello '68
Chris Averill '68
Thaddeus Barnas '68
William Baydalla '68
Henry Bilenchi '68
Terence Bohn '68
John Bonal '68
Thomas Broderick '68
Salvatore Bulone '68
Joseph Cambria '68
Joseph Carbone '68
Kenneth Chiusano '68
Victor Dau '68
Pedro Delgado '68
Harry DeMeo '68
Albert Dibs '68
Frank DiPolito '68
Carl Distefano '68
Denis Donovan '68
Joseph Duffy '68
William Farhood '68
Lawrence Folvik '68
John Gallo '68
Joseph Gallo '68
Ralph Gehshan '68
Douglas Gibbons '68
Richard Greene '68
Andrew Guccione '68
Gerald Howard '68
Joseph Husstege '68
Vincent Iannelli '68
Robert Ianuale '68
John Kahwaty '68
Owen Kieran '68
John Laddomada '68
Frederick Lizzi '68
Anthony Maniscalco '68
Stephen Maresca '68
Louis Marett '68
Augustine Mascolo '68
William Mastro '68
Thomas McFarland '68
Humbert Miglino '68
Michael Minchin '68
Raymond Mollica '68
Dennis Murphy '68
Robert Murphy '68
John Nazzaruolo '68
James O'Connor '68
Ronald Orton '68
John Patten '68
Joseph Pepe '68
Richard Pignataro '68
Fred Romano '68
Frank Russo '68
Robert Ryan '68
Terrence Sacchi '68
John Schafer '68
Robert Smith '68
Frank Spadaro '68
John Thomas '68
Gilberto Torres '68
Charles Trovato '68
Nicholas Truncellito '68
Michael Tuohy '68
Tracy Windrum '68
Arthur Coussa '69
James DiOrio '69
Charles English '69
William Fritsch '69
Thomas Joyce '69
John Kavanagh '69
John Lava '69
Herman Merritt '69
Michael Rehberg '69
John Sexton '69
Robert Arcadipane '70
Geoffrey Bunza '70
Joseph Ciccone '70
Brian Davis '70
Michael Davis '70
Matthew D'Emic '70
Anthony Grosso '70
Stephen Hansen '70
Kevin McKernan '70
Richard Nolan '70
Anthony Sasso '70
Philip Smallman '70
Robert Thoelen '70
Kevin Thompson '70
Nicholas Baccash '71
Joseph Carlucci '71
Gene Casazza '71
Noel DeFelippo '71
George Fanelli '71
Mitchel Gennaoui '71
Vincent Kavanagh '71
Joseph Morano '71
Philip Murphy '71
Martin Piccochi '71
Sean Rowley '71
John Simpson '71
Robert Zaloom '71
Angelo Arena '72
Paul Cassone '72
Frank Coccaro '72
Vincent Del Giudice '72
Dominick Fuca '72
Joseph Guarinello '72
James Hederman '72
Charles Johnston '72
Robert Koroshetz '72
Charles Mason '72
Robert McDonald '72
Francis Mirabello '72
Wade Mokarry '72
Ronald Palastro '72
Stephen Rolandi '72
Jack Russo '72
Brendan Ryan '72
Marco Albergo '73
Paul Amico '73
Pedro Balza '73
Joseph Bartoloni '73
Vincent Bonamo '73
John DiFiore '73
John Fanning '73
Thomas Fezza '73
Stephen Gitto '73
James Hiler '73
James Ierardi '73
Peter Jerabeck '73
David Keating '73
Jack LaTorre '73
Paul Lloyd '73
Thomas Lovelock '73
Kevin McDermott '73
Mark Morawski '73
Clinton Plietz '73
Kevin Reilly '73
Thomas Rizzo '73
James Slovik '73
William Sorenson '73
Edmund Spinella '73
Eugene Walsh '73
Charles Abate '74
Robert Alfano '74
Michael Ayoub '74
Francis Donnelly '74
Bernard Drury '74
Joseph Farraye '74
Steven Hartshorne '74
Brian Hatot '74
William Hyland '74
Charles Mele '74
Richard Menchini '74
Richard Nassr '74
James Nofi '74
Christopher O'Halloran '74
Robert Ottofaro '74
Peter Pantaleo '74
Salvatore Russo '74
Joseph Schifilliti '74
Henry Spinelli '74
Michael Strianese '74
Stephen Albright '75
Richard Andrews '75
Michael Chirico '75
Thaddeus Dupper '75
Donald Finnegan '75
John Fitzgerald '75
Steven Galetta '75
Gary Keevill '75
William Kelly '75
Michael Koslowsky '75
John Maese '75
Thomas Meo '75
Gary Mongiovi '75
Robert Mucci '75
Brian Pederson '75
Joseph Sirna '75
George Wager '75
Timothy Willig '75
William Zucker '75
Alan Auteri '76
Lawrence Ayoub '76
Michael Barazia '76
Guillermo Bilbao '76
Michael Cilento '76
Martin Cronin '76
Nicholas DeFeis '76
Vincent DeLuca '76
Kevin Donachie '76
James Gallagher '76
Richard Hughes '76
James Leonard '76
Stephen Matts '76
Thomas Raymond '76
John Renna '76
Robert Scordato '76
Daniel Tobin '76
George Werner '76
Robert Windorf '76
Bruce Abdenour '77
Thomas Blaney '77
Raphael Chierchio '77
Martin Donohue '77
Edward Ginn '77
Lawrence Goettisheim '77
Frank Gramieri '77
George Greco '77
Gerard Kane '77
Gerard Kassar '77
Michael Kawas '77
Brian King '77
Charles LaRosa '77
Sal Mazzola '77
Gerard McPartlan '77
John Pantazis '77
Ervin Roberson '77
Robert Rogers '77
Dominick Tammaro '77
Andrew Vindigni '77
Michael Wilson '77
Robert Alesi '78
Philip Butterfass '78
Thomas Calabro '78
Raymond Capodanno '78
Michael Caramico '78
Joseph Carcagno '78
Frank Castaneda '78
Alfred Cavallaro '78
Joseph Colella '78
Michael Comito '78
John Cortese '78
Richard Dandrea '78
Lawrence DeNino '78
Daniel DiVietri '78
Neil Doherty '78
John Fields '78
Robert Finn '78
Stephen Gucker '78
William Imbornoni '78
Christopher Johnson '78
Edward Kelly '78
Patrick Kennedy '78
Salvatore LiRosi '78
Jay Loftus '78
Terrence Maher '78
Dominic Marchesano '78
Michael Marselle '78
Steven Miano '78
Edward Moloney '78
Thomas Pizzolo '78
Barry Rohrssen '78
Salvatore Ruggiero '78
Roy Schifilliti '78
John Shaughnessy '78
Louis Vazquez '78
Salvatore Volpe '78
David Capaldo '79
Charles Capetanakis '79
James Case '79
Anthony Colella '79
Brian Cosgrove '79
Dominick Cuttitta '79
Philip Daniele '79
Edward Davis '79
Peter Flynn '79
Edward Franzone '79
Gregory Gaglioti '79
Nicholas Giampietro '79
Joseph Giannetto '79
Joseph Guastella '79
Christopher Hazel '79
Michael Iacovelli '79
William King '79
James Lynn '79
Anthony Marino '79
Edward Mayrose '79
Michael McGivney '79
Sean McGowan '79
John Moran '79
Stephen Patino '79
Robert Porta '79
William Rosa '79
Richard Samara '79
Walter Ward '79
Kevin Windorf '79
Bryan Amore '80
Joseph Bellina '80
Anthony Catalano '80
Gregory Daly '80
Peter Delorenzo '80
William D'Emic '80
Charles Duca '80
John Galifi '80
Charles Gilroy '80
Dominick Guarna '80
James Hyland '80
Gregory Jack '80
Albert Meo '80
Niel Miele '80
Joseph Paradiso '80
Louis Ricciardi '80
Nunzio Schembari '80
Jack Seng '80
Anthony Bello '81
Vincent Bergamini '81
Charles Bono '81
Mark Buonanno '81
Richard Cole '81
Brian Donnelly '81
Joseph Favorito '81
William Finn '81
Peter Gaudiuso '81
Peter Gerbasi '81
Matthew Milbouer '81
Philip Tartaglia '81
John Ward '81
Michael Zuppone '81
Raymond Anello '82
Thomas Barnes '82
Richard Bianco '82
Richard Borecky '82
Peter Cannizzo '82
Sal Castellano '82
Thomas Costello '82
Michael Fitzpatrick '82
James Howard '82
Joseph Labella '82
Paul Martinsen '82
Michael McBride '82
William McConnell '82
Frank Miele '82
Michael O'Reilly '82
John Palamarik '82
Steven Palermo '82
Stephen Pelletiere '82
Vincent Romano '82
Gerard Shepherd '82
Anthony Traina '82
Daniel Treacy '82
John Tripodoro '82
Philip Vazquez '82
Robert Vito '82
Stephen Albi '83
James Bambara '83
Belisario Benvenuto '83
Thomas Burns '83
William Byrnes '83
Matthew Cioffi '83
Brian Coleman '83
Keith Douglas '83
James Giannakouros '83
Thomas Jones '83
Maurice Kaykaty '83
Joseph Mirabella '83
Joseph Nugent '83
Robert Pluchino '83
Steven Rothenberg '83
Frank Caruti '84
Christopher Chelales '84
Joseph Cioffi '84
Christopher Costantini '84
Mario D'Alicandro '84
Sean Fodera '84
James Formisano '84
Martin Hoban '84
Douglas Johnson '84
George Kabbez '84
Peter Lucke '84
Edward Mattera '84
William McNeely '84
John Moroney '84
John Mullen '84
Joseph Pagnotta '84
Dennis Pappanicholaou '84
Paul Pomponio '84
Neal Redeman '84
Anthony Rossi '84
Michael Tuohy '84
Frank Visintini '84
Aldo Arpaia '85
Essa Bateh '85
John Bradley '85
Stephen Carofalo '85
John Chianchiano '85
James Condon '85
Harry D'Onofrio '85
Anthony Gaggi '85
Nicholas Garyfallos '85
Theodore Ghorra '85
Paul Jamin '85
Varghese Mathew '85
William McManus '85
Michael Monahan '85
Mark Muccigrosso '85
Jan Nilsen '85
Robert Picarello '85
Robert Rose '85
Anthony Russo '85
Vincent Settecase '85
Michael Smargiassi '85
Andre Teterycz '85
Leonard Bambina '86
Steven Carrano '86
Matthew Daus '86
Gregory Dragonetti '86
Robert Drazic '86
Robert Foronjy '86
Trevor George '86
Paul Link '86
Brian Lynn '86
Zelko Markovinovic '86
Kevin McCarthy '86
Neal McGarrity '86
Joseph Orlando '86
Robert Reynolds '86
Pasqualino Russo '86
Thomas Schalk '86
John Bruno '87
Salvatore Carrizzo '87
John Chell '87
Christopher Clark '87
Nicholas Franki '87
Thomas Garry '87
Joseph Infantino '87
Sean Ingram '87
Kevin Jamin '87
James Mollo '87
Francis Morrisey '87
Michael O'Meara '87
Dino Panayiotarakos '87
Andrew Pontone '87
William Rivera '87
Vincent Russo '87
Matthew Scally '87
Kevin Shanahan '87
Joseph Trentacosta '87
James Agoglia '88
Carl Bambina '88
Vincent Cervone '88
Francis Chin '88
Richard Chin '88
William Fahy '88
Michael Ganim '88
Thomas Gentile '88
Antonio Gnerre '88
Christopher Jones '88
John Kadri '88
Michael Maiorana '88
Peter Mancini '88
Anthony McCabe '88
James McCarrick '88
Brian Meyers '88
Kevin Molloy '88
Adam Moloney '88
Christopher Montagnino '88
Kevin Moroney '88
Terence Mullin '88
Matthew Notine '88
Francis Paladino '88
Chris Papandrea '88
Philip Passman '88
Anthony Rasa '88
Peter Richter '88
Sergio Santomauro '88
Steven Scarpati '88
Peter Colavito '89
Kraig DeMatteis '89
Thomas Galligan '89
Robert Garomo '89
Keith MacDonald '89
Edward Matula '89
Brendan McCormick '89
Peter Mignone '89
Anthony Mussolino '89
Gregory Scalise '89
Michael Schramm '89
James Tartamella '89
Ralph Barone '90
Anthony Butta '90
Angelo Carideo '90
Sean Conry '90
Danny Demonte '90
Frank Di Maria '90
Anthony DiPasquale '90
Alexander Franki '90
Peter Fu '90
Calogero Gambino '90
Christopher Ganim '90
Frank Giordano '90
Carl Graziano '90
Vito Ingravallo '90
Greg Kenny '90
Charles Mirailh '90
Danny Ng '90
Danny Nigro '90
Gregory Pacelli '90
Brian Phillips '90
Angelo Rigas '90
James Schmidt '90
Michael Sinisi '90
Salvatore Starace '90
Michael Taddeo '90
Christopher Torrente '90
Frank Bavaro '91
Troy Buono '91
Craig Cavendish '91
Shamus Connolly '91
Gregory Cowley '91
John Curley '91
Steven Dembinski '91
Patrick Dempsey '91
Paul DiSpirito '91
John Duane '91
Damian Echevarrieta '91
Sean Edgar '91
Anthony Esposito '91
David Grimaldi '91
Stephen Holler '91
Louis Iacobucci '91
John Kuhn '91
Wayne Lizzi '91
Michael Longabardi '91
Frank Marino '91
Frank Micali '91
Vincent Nativo '91
Michael Neamonitakis '91
Christopher Repetti '91
Michael Rizzo '91
Edward Ryan '91
Fredrick Scuteri '91
Brian Sheehan '91
Edward Stines '91
Anthony Tampa '91
John Tran '91
Alexander Trantino '91
Enrico Trantino '91
David Agresto '92
Louis Carducci '92
Peter Catanzaro '92
Marc Fischetti '92
Brian Flanigan '92
James Lasalle '92
Vincent Leone '92
John Longardo '92
James Maloney '92
John Martin '92
John McPadden '92
Raymond Mollica '92
Lorenzo Prestigiacomo '92
Michael Rafferty '92
Neil Remmen '92
Andrew Sfouggatakis '92
Mark Spelman '92
James Adams '93
Gregory Annunziato '93
Gerald Arze '93
James Beggan '93
Anthony Besada '93
John Cutrona '93
Mark Devera '93
Mark DiGiovanni '93
David Ditillo '93
Victor Gancitano '93
John Gillen '93
Michael Graziano '93
Michael Grimaldi '93
Keith Guadagno '93
Frederick Hassel '93
Michael Ingram '93
David Jansen '93
Matthew Keeler '93
Michael King '93
Alexander Krukis '93
Christopher Long '93
Michael Mammolito '93
Andrew Marotta '93
Steven Mastromarino '93
Phillip McEneaney '93
Terence Moriarty '93
Stevan Morris '93
Daniel Munro '93
Nick Nikolopoulos '93
Vincent Oliviero '93
Michael Panicali '93
Matthew Peluso '93
Anthony Pennachio '93
Bartolomeo Piraino '93
David Ricotta '93
Gregory Santangelo '93
Dominick Sarta '93
Richard Scala '93
Michael Smith '93
Anthony Stumbo '93
Daniel Sullivan '93
Giuseppe Tinervia '93
Vince Tolve '93
Joseph Trani '93
Steve Villegas '93
Joseph Volpe '93
Raymond Walsh '93
David Wilde '93
Dominick Balsamo '94
Marc Barretta '94
Peter Calatozzo '94
Brian Cassidy '94
Matthew DiBrienza '94
Timothy Fox '94
Joseph Garritano '94
Robert Gaudio '94
Donald Goldston '94
Steven Kenul '94
David Lacagnina '94
Joseph Lamicela '94
Edward Lanzetta '94
Anthony Lopiccolo '94
Joseph Ludovico '94
Thomas Moringiello '94
Michael Polito '94
Peter Ragone '94
Kevin Rhatigan '94
Brian Sullivan '94
Jamie Zaikowski '94
John Bonomolo '95
Paul DeFilippis '95
Patrick Dugan '95
Paolo Fontana '95
Robert Maffettone '95
Michael McConnell '95
Jeffrey Nunner '95
Joseph Pawson '95
Jeremy Starrin '95
Anthony Susca '95
Gerard Buckley '96
John Cassidy '96
Christopher Cody '96
Eric DiNapoli '96
Mark Donohue '96
Robert Flynn '96
James Gannon '96
Sean Lawler '96
Francis Long '96
Gerard MacLellan '96
Anthony Mancusi '96
Brian Nigro '96
Daniel Rafferty '96
Daniel Sharib '96
Anthony Tomasulo '96
Walter Capece '97
John Cronin '97
John Gillen '97
Jason Hagestad '97
George Karis '97
Brian Kaszuba '97
Francisco Lampon '97
Matthew MacIntyre '97
Vincent Raimondo '97
Michael Stumbo '97
Salvatore Tinervia '97
Edward Aleman '98
Richard Burke '98
Anthony Candela '98
Richard Deppert '98
James Donohue '98
Alan Fredricksen '98
Thomas McDonagh '98
John McFadden '98
Peter McNelis '98
Joseph Moore '98
Michael Orent '98
Jordan Paulsen '98
Joseph Quinn '98
Joseph Russo '98
William Smoltino '98
Joseph Turchi '98
Marco Ventrella '98
Paul Weaver '98
Brandon Barton '99
Raffaele Cardone '99
Michael Cassidy '99
Jake Conetta '99
Christopher D'Accordo '99
Brendan Fitzpatrick '99
Michael Gargiulo '99
Robert Giancola '99
Joseph Guarinello '99
Joseph MacLellan '99
John Rail '99
Christopher Bauer '00
Nicholas Bourboulis '00
Gregory D'Addona '00
Michael Ferrari '00
Theodore Garatziotis '00
Daniel Gennaoui '00
Anthony Mazzariello '00
Andrew McDermott '00
William Neri '00
Robert Oliva '00
David Poggioli '00
Christopher Pomo '00
Joseph Siano '00
William Simoneau '00
Michael Buckley '01
Elias Karis '01
George Koutsodontis '01
Michael Lupo '01
Robert Procida '02
Michael Bruno '03
Kurt Cedo '03
Lukasz Cygan '03
Anastasios Drenis '03
Joseph Elie '03
Cliff Lungaretti '03
William McNiff '03
Thomas Ormandy '03
Michael Spence '03
Seamus Ward '03
Clyde Chapman '04
John Gennaoui '04
Brendan Gorman '04
Mouhamed Halwani '04
Ander Heiles '04
Brian Kelly '04
Brian McCartney '04
Rudolph Mitchell '04
Dion Mozelle '04
Michael Multari '04
Nicholas Pomo '04
Vincent Re '04
James Schreiner '04
Paul Sclafani '04
John Capetanakis '05
Patrick Drexler '05
Sean Hayes '05
Timothy Hepworth '05
Lino Jean '05
Amir Lewis '05
Terrence Mayrose '05
Joseph Neri '05
Dominic Palastro '05
Christopher DeMartino '06
James Dunne '06
Ronny Guzman '06
Dennis Hepworth '06
Patrick McInerney '06
Brian McKenzie '06
Thomas Snyder '06
James Alberino '07
Jesus Cardona '07
Vincent Cocozziello '07
Fabian Gambino '07
Steven Giugliano '07
Matthew Gontowicz '07
Gerard Kane '07
Vitaliy Kuzmin '07
Thomas McKernan '07
Jaime Mercier-Blanchard '07
Kevin Murphy '07
Claude Paul '07
Daniel Petsche '07
Andre Vieira '07
Joseph Cammarano '08
Sean Campbell '08
Joseph Ecock '08
Michael Kendall '08
Dennis Larkin '08
William Loesch '08
Daniel Marra '08
Robert Paolillo '08
Paul Perez '08
Rosario Pucci '08
Robert Randazzo '08
Michael Rehberg '08
Jasson Rodriguez '08
Christopher Santoro '08
Joseph Villamagna '08
Pietro Barone '09
Anthony Carucci '09
Joseph Castiglione '09
Matthew Conte '09
Frank Gallinaro '09
Robert Golden '09
Brian Nersten '09
Frank Petric '09
Raffaele Rosato '09
Thomas Caruso '10
Jonathan Coppola '10
Joseph Donato '10
Matthew Freeze '10
Christopher Gelsomini '10
Tyler Larkin '10
Michael Pasipanki '10
Alexander Pizzuto '10
Patrick Snyder '10
Christian Stellato '10
Alexander Stempkoski '10
Daniel Texeira '10
Vincenzo Trimaldi '10
Joseph Vento '10
Joseph Azevedo '11
Gregory Civiletti '11
John Collini '11
Nicholas Compagnone '11
John Cullen '11
Peter Davidson '11
Evan Dryll '11
Salvatore Emilio '11
Marco Giarracca '11
Travis Gill-Belle '11
Yves Jean Baptiste '11
Joe Khoury '11
Neil Khoury '11
Donald Martinelli '11
Paul McClintock '11
Robert McKenna '11
Brandon Menna '11
Patrick O'Donnell '11
Paul Seay '11
Satbir Singh '11
Dominick Aluotto '12
Albert Bateh '12
Brian Bernardi '12
Francesco Bianchi '12
Sean Binckes '12
Peter Biondo '12
Derek Booras '12
James Bozek '12
Dillon Burns '12
James Cafiero '12
Ryan Campbell '12
Joseph Castronovo '12
Nicholas Castronovo '12
Anthony Cavalcante '12
Vito Cavalluzzi '12
Christopher Ciliento '12
Matthew DeMasi '12
Sean Dillon '12
Patrick Egan '12
Frank Elie '12
Robert Esposito '12
James Ferrigno '12
Jarrett Hill '12
Dylan Larkin '12
Joseph Liberto '12
Brian Long '12
Michael Marciano '12
Elan Meltsner '12
Nicholas Monico '12
Tyler Newton '12
Thomas O'Neill '12
Anthony Pescetto '12
Andrew Petric '12
Salvatore Prano '12
Joseph Proce '12
Thomas Rehberg '12
Edward Ryder '12
Nicholas Scaduto '12
Michael Serpica '12
Stephen Sertial '12
Anthony Spadaro '12
Brandon Twohig '12
Nicholas Walsh '12
Patrick Ward '12
Richard Ward '12
Irslan Ali '13
Richard Burke '13
Robert Buzzard '13
Nicholas Campanella '13
Anthony Castellano '13
Nicholas Castro '13
Daniel Clyne '13
Joseph Dello Russo '13
Kevin Griffin '13
Vincent Lentini '13
Vito Lentini '13
Bryan McKenna '13
Brendan Moloney '13
Stephen Nizzare '13
Kevin Olson '13
Matthew Russo '13
Andrew Schillaci '13
Ronald Simonson '13
Peter Tuohy '13
Paul Wallace '13
Ryan Verano '14
John Timothy '15
Melkishar Delly '16
William Kay '16
James Vega '16
Daniel Burns '17
John-Anthony D'Onofrio '17
Brendan Kane '17
Robert Papandrea '17
Nicholas Apodiacos '18
Thomas Baggot '18
Connor Baldwin '18
Jack Barbosa '18
Matthew Bavoso '18
Thomas Blandino '18
Chan Wei Chan Mei '18
Conor Collins '18
Matthew Comito '18
Aidan Connolly '18
Shamus Connolly '18
Andrew Contrino '18
John Criscione '18
Frank D'Alicandro '18
Joseph D'Amato '18
Raymond Donohue '18
Ryan Duffy '18
Sean Dugan '18
James Durante '18
Michael Gomez '18
Michael-Scott Greco '18
Anthony Guarino '18
Adam Hajjar '18
Joseph Iuni '18
Ilan Kimel '18
Derek Klugewicz '18
Jonathan Largo '18
Jared Lerner '18
Giovanni Linea '18
Francesco LoCascio '18
Cameron Manzi '18
Michael Marano '18
Paul Mastrokostas '18
Christian Medrano '18
Matthew Missud '18
Salvatore Mollano '18
Keshawn Moses '18
Nicholas Muldoon '18
Christopher O'Connor '18
Michael Pagliuca '18
John Paramo '18
Thomas Powderly '18
Eric Psarreas '18
Frank Russo '18
Mario Salmone '18
Brian Samuelsen '18
Evan Sheehan '18
Justin Sheredos '18
Matthew Shneyderman '18
Brendan Vazquez '18
Barron Wei '18
Dylan Wheeler '18
Issac Womack '18
Salvatore Yurman '18
Steven Zatorski '18


Established in 1957, Xaverian is one of thirteen schools nationwide sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.